Bridge Stone Masonry
Since we began bridge stonework, we have been involved in preserving over 120 bridges all over Ireland. Some of these are iconic landmarks, such as the Quiet Man Bridge in Connemara, Bellacorick Musical Bridge in County Mayo, and Gleesk Viaduct in County Kerry.
Our most recent project, the Salmon Weir Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge in Galway City, officially opened on May 26, 2023. The stone masonry work on this project included alterations to existing stone masonry walls to facilitate the footpaths and approach spans to the proposed bridge, and rebuilding sections of the stone walls along the quays.
Our Bridge Stone Masonry includes:
✔ complete reconstruction of fallen parts
✔ repair of existing damaged masonry parapets and spandrel walls
✔ repairs to existing masonry arch structures
✔ masonry repointing of arch barrel and wingwalls
✔ retaining wall underpinning
✔ repair of existing abutments
✔ capping with cut limestone coping stones
✔ building new masonry parapets with bond stones
✔ pointing with flush joint
✔ pinning to fill gaps
✔ masonry pitching
✔ masonry repointing with NHL 5 below flood level and NHL 3.5 for all other work